iPad Air mockup on cozy home bedding


This engaging image showcases an iPad Air with a keyboard attachment resting on a comfortably rumpled bed. This mockup radiates a homey feel, with the iPad placed on a beige linen beside a sleeping person, suggesting a relaxed environment perfect for leisure or work before sleep. With ample space on the screen to showcase your app or website, it's ideal for demonstrating the versatility of your digital product in everyday life settings. The muted colors and natural light create a calm, inviting atmosphere, where you can transport your audience right into a scene of tranquility and productivity.



  • Simply drag & drop your screenshot or import from Figma, Sketch and Photoshop
  • No need to download and store large design files
  • High-Resolution (7966×5975)
  • No watermarks
Mockup Generator API

Generating iPad mockups from this template can be fully automated using our API. You only need to provide the ID of this mockup and a URL of the screenshot or website you want to place in the mockup and we'll take care of the rest. Learn more about the automation

ZdiD6k_NFAGHZtue Copy ID

iPad Air Mockup

iPad Air mockup on cozy home bedding

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