MacBook Pro 14 Mockup on Modern Office Desk


A MacBook Pro 14 inch is the centerpiece of this mockup, placed on a sleek, modern office desk. The desk is located in a well-lit home office environment with a comfortable wicker chair in the background, evoking a relaxed yet productive atmosphere. The scene is complemented by an organized set of accessories, including a smartphone resting on a notebook to the left of the MacBook and a small, decorative rock sculpture, lending a touch of personality to the workspace. You can easily envision this setup in your own home, providing a realistic backdrop for showcasing web designs, applications, or any digital content on the MacBook's screen.



  • Simply drag & drop your screenshot or import from Figma, Sketch and Photoshop
  • No need to download and store large design files
  • High-Resolution (8256×6192)
  • No watermarks
Mockup Generator API

Generating MacBook mockups from this template can be fully automated using our API. You only need to provide the ID of this mockup and a URL of the screenshot or website you want to place in the mockup and we'll take care of the rest. Learn more about the automation

ZdiAwE_NFAGHZttu Copy ID

MacBook Pro 14-inch Mockup

MacBook Pro 14 Mockup on Modern Office Desk

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